Toronto Zombie Walk
I missed my connection flight. There was some sort of crisis. And then, out of nowhere, this huge stick came and impaled me in the chest! Next thing I know, I'm the walking dead.
Toronto Zombie Walk. Holy Crap. I furiously attempted to round up folks to join me in my undead lurchings this weekend - alas the hoards were busy with things more important that being undead, so i was forced to make a decision - stay at home and do homwork, or join the undead hoards on the subway.
I opted for the latter. Good thing, too, because it was damn good times. I don't have a camera, or Iwould have taken some pictures, but thee were enough shutters going off that it shouldn't be too long before the photos (and videos?) arive on the internerd. I was a little reluctant to go, and felt sort of dreary about going alone. But, lo and behold, what should happen on the subway? Why, three fellow undead lurched their way aboard! Little Dead Riding Hood, her priesty friend whose placard read like a church in 28 Days Later, and the tall grey cowboy all climbed aboard. Seeing I wasn't alone, I opened my bag and retrived my zombie prosthesis - a caot hanger that fits around the body with a long wooden stake coming off it... and donned my zombie attire! My costume was an instant hit - the undead preist found it particularily amusing. Together we rode the rails and arrived at Nathan Philip Square just in time to see some people do the thriller dance... in absolute silence. Strange, but entertianing. There were some interesting zombies about - one lady had opted to wear a felt shark for the "I've been eaten but I'm back from the dead" look. My classmate Brandon was "Where's Waldo" in undead form. I saw a number of zombie brides. Shaun of the Dead was there, too. I can't be certain, but I'm also fairly sure somebody had dressed up as a marine infected by the Flood in a nod to the zombie aliens of the video game Halo. There were a fair number of people wearing torn cloths with lots fo fake blood - but its the costumes with gimmicks that really stand out.
There were literally hundreds of the undead shuffling. Spirits may have departed, but the mortal coil moved on as a mass escorted by the police down Queen Street. We screamed for brains and mauled streetcars and cafe windows. Spectators quickly stopped to watch us lurch and staggar past, dragging our limbs as we searched for the brains at the bloor cinema. People screamed and laughed and pointed with delight at the many zombies shuffling past their place of luncheon. I was particularily pleased to see a woman drop her salad fork and gestulate wildely out teh window, pointing at me and miming my impaled chest. It made my unbeating heart all warm and fuzzy on the inside - or maybe that was just my rotting corpse getting moldy.
In the end, I really wish that some of my friends had been able to die with me today. Alas, I understand that living sometimes gets in the way of that. I still managed to have lots of fun without them. However, next year: I'm putting some effort into planning group action!
The dead will rise again! In Twenty Aught Seven!
... Also, I now have a iwcked haloween costume. It'll be on the subway again before the month is out.
Toronto Zombie Walk. Holy Crap. I furiously attempted to round up folks to join me in my undead lurchings this weekend - alas the hoards were busy with things more important that being undead, so i was forced to make a decision - stay at home and do homwork, or join the undead hoards on the subway.
I opted for the latter. Good thing, too, because it was damn good times. I don't have a camera, or Iwould have taken some pictures, but thee were enough shutters going off that it shouldn't be too long before the photos (and videos?) arive on the internerd. I was a little reluctant to go, and felt sort of dreary about going alone. But, lo and behold, what should happen on the subway? Why, three fellow undead lurched their way aboard! Little Dead Riding Hood, her priesty friend whose placard read like a church in 28 Days Later, and the tall grey cowboy all climbed aboard. Seeing I wasn't alone, I opened my bag and retrived my zombie prosthesis - a caot hanger that fits around the body with a long wooden stake coming off it... and donned my zombie attire! My costume was an instant hit - the undead preist found it particularily amusing. Together we rode the rails and arrived at Nathan Philip Square just in time to see some people do the thriller dance... in absolute silence. Strange, but entertianing. There were some interesting zombies about - one lady had opted to wear a felt shark for the "I've been eaten but I'm back from the dead" look. My classmate Brandon was "Where's Waldo" in undead form. I saw a number of zombie brides. Shaun of the Dead was there, too. I can't be certain, but I'm also fairly sure somebody had dressed up as a marine infected by the Flood in a nod to the zombie aliens of the video game Halo. There were a fair number of people wearing torn cloths with lots fo fake blood - but its the costumes with gimmicks that really stand out.
There were literally hundreds of the undead shuffling. Spirits may have departed, but the mortal coil moved on as a mass escorted by the police down Queen Street. We screamed for brains and mauled streetcars and cafe windows. Spectators quickly stopped to watch us lurch and staggar past, dragging our limbs as we searched for the brains at the bloor cinema. People screamed and laughed and pointed with delight at the many zombies shuffling past their place of luncheon. I was particularily pleased to see a woman drop her salad fork and gestulate wildely out teh window, pointing at me and miming my impaled chest. It made my unbeating heart all warm and fuzzy on the inside - or maybe that was just my rotting corpse getting moldy.
In the end, I really wish that some of my friends had been able to die with me today. Alas, I understand that living sometimes gets in the way of that. I still managed to have lots of fun without them. However, next year: I'm putting some effort into planning group action!
The dead will rise again! In Twenty Aught Seven!
... Also, I now have a iwcked haloween costume. It'll be on the subway again before the month is out.
At 10:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
i'm glad you ended up going! erich and i were sitting at the window of the fish and chips place just a couple doors east of bloor cinema when it ended... you're lucky i didn't see you walk by, otherwise you would have had a back-o-the-head-full-o haddock.
At 10:42 PM,
James said…
I did walk by.
Good thing you didn't see me.
However, haddock isn't as bad as splake.
At 1:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
or a bass of the sir variety...
okay, that made no sense. i apogolize.
At 11:37 PM,
Leslie Puiras said…
Im sorry i didn't get up in time. :( Next year i'm all over it!
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