Pirates are Cool.

Captured bits of life... Pirates at no extra cost. Arrrg. Also cool: Zombies, Aliens, Ninjas, Dinosaurs, Vikings, the Noble River Horse, the Sinister Octopi, Robots and Kittens.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Ice Fortress and Potato Burrito Prospects

There is a wall. It is currently about twenty feet long and about four feet tall. It has one ninety degree angle in it. It is made of ice.

It is The Ice Fortress. Gavin and I made plans long ago to build a snow fort. I don't think either of us imagined this. It just started to grow, and then grow some more. We applied all of our snow fort building experience to The Ice Fortress, and then Ryan came out and helped as well.

We took our recycling bin and stole some shovels. We began shoveling a snowband into our bin, then I would stand on it, compress it, and then refill and repeat. We would then lug the heavy bins of tightly packed snow over to the fort, upend them and a brick would sit, awaiting the fitting of the next brick.

We layer one level of bricks on top of the first.

Then we poured water all over it.

Today, I walked across the top of the wall, just to prove i could. I stood there for a minute and view third phase, daring anybody to try and attack. Then i remembered - the fortress, she's not complete. Not yet.

Tonight, we added another layer of bricks, giving it more hight. Still not enough, but we've used the entire snowbank. We need a new snow source. We iced it again tonight, and tomorrow, we'll probably work on it more. It will be a mighty fortress with four walls, capable of standing up to any barage of snowballs that can be thrown at it. We hope.

In other news, it looks as if I will finally get that potato burrito I've been looking forward to tomorrow. Finally. Geeez.


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