Spookesville 06
I managed to miss the UTSC residence haloween party for the third year running last night. But that was only because I had already promised myself to a different party - no tragedy this time around. Thankfully. Anyhoo, I waffled about going, but the simple truth was I knew I had to. I had turned down and rain chequed three offers of party action on the corner of Dupont and Spadina already this year. There was no getting out of it this time. So, with a slight bit of hesitancy, I donned the zombie costume and made my downtown for yet another adventure. The beginning was everything I expected - the folks who live there in costumes. Tara was a Sea Horse, and convincingly so... I was terribly impressed. Andrew was Hunter S. Thompson, which was also very well done.
The interesting part about the evening wasn't so much the costumes as it was how people kept showing up, like a steady trickle of awesomeness all night. I had to take the stake off eventually, just so we could manoever around properly. At first, J-bo, Jaime, Dan, Aaron Both (!!!) and Dan's brother Tim showed up (Later on, another dan and another tim would turn up, but i didn't really know them). This was pretty exciting since a)they're my friends, and b) I haven't seen Aaron in a dog's age.
Then, Julian found his way to the party. Turns out he had been at the same concert as the rapscallions above. Good times were beggining to ramp up, as I hadn't seen this guy in over a year. But the fun doesn't end there. Camp allumni began to turn up. Lactose turned up, which I may have groaned about in the past, but I've moved past former predjudices and actually rather enjoyed hanging out with her. Then, suprise of surprises: Ted. Another person I have not seen in far too long. He was around the party, too, wearing the classic "I like weekends and parties with my friends" shirt. Then, through the tube of coincidence that came out of last weekend, Rosemary showed up, too. It was like old times!
What it comes down to, in the end, I guess, is that if you'd told me I would be partying with Julian and Rosemary in Andrew Dzenis' attack jam room two summers ago, I might have been suspicious of you. However:
(Yes those are pigtails. Perhaps it's better you don't ask?)
The interesting part about the evening wasn't so much the costumes as it was how people kept showing up, like a steady trickle of awesomeness all night. I had to take the stake off eventually, just so we could manoever around properly. At first, J-bo, Jaime, Dan, Aaron Both (!!!) and Dan's brother Tim showed up (Later on, another dan and another tim would turn up, but i didn't really know them). This was pretty exciting since a)they're my friends, and b) I haven't seen Aaron in a dog's age.
Then, Julian found his way to the party. Turns out he had been at the same concert as the rapscallions above. Good times were beggining to ramp up, as I hadn't seen this guy in over a year. But the fun doesn't end there. Camp allumni began to turn up. Lactose turned up, which I may have groaned about in the past, but I've moved past former predjudices and actually rather enjoyed hanging out with her. Then, suprise of surprises: Ted. Another person I have not seen in far too long. He was around the party, too, wearing the classic "I like weekends and parties with my friends" shirt. Then, through the tube of coincidence that came out of last weekend, Rosemary showed up, too. It was like old times!
What it comes down to, in the end, I guess, is that if you'd told me I would be partying with Julian and Rosemary in Andrew Dzenis' attack jam room two summers ago, I might have been suspicious of you. However:
(Yes those are pigtails. Perhaps it's better you don't ask?)
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