Pirates are Cool.

Captured bits of life... Pirates at no extra cost. Arrrg. Also cool: Zombies, Aliens, Ninjas, Dinosaurs, Vikings, the Noble River Horse, the Sinister Octopi, Robots and Kittens.

Friday, December 01, 2006


Today, i legitimately had to use the cosine law in real life. I was all "Thanks Mr. Johnson, you verbally abused us thorugh mumbling, but in the end, it was alright because 'mmmhmhhmhmh idiots! mmmhmmhrrrmrmhhmmhr ittelgence level... mrrrrrmmmhhhmhmhhm grade two ... mhhrhhhmhmmhmm' apparently taught me enough to remember how to do all that grade nine triogonometry well enough that it only took a breif look at the internet to find the old equasion and then apply it."

Call me crazy, but I miss math. Sometimes I wish I had undertood calculus so I could have gone into the sciences. But I like reading so much, and I'm good at it too, so no complaints.


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