Is this it?
Tonight, my last regular night on res at UTSC before I move home. I'll be here once more to pick stuff up and to write an exam, but tomorrow, I go home. It's sad, in a way. I"m going to miss B-3. Pucknell, Ryan, The Feiker, Big D and even Rom. There were lots of times here. Good ones, not so good ones, interesting ones ... you get the point. Next year I'll be living with Paul and Ryan again, but not anybody else. On the upswing, that means no black eyed peas nineteen times in one day. On the down side, it means not secretly being able to understand Derval's Jamacain Dialect without him knowing. "I tiff your oreos, mon."
The Beacon was taken down today - No longer does the Heiniken sign glow out to the world, offering a point of navagation for many people on res. 2pac was taken off the wall and respectfully rolled into the poster tube, waiting for the new living room we have next year. My room echoes. Everything is in a box or a bin except for that which I need to live. Even my CD's are packed away.
No more noise fueds with Ryan. I'm still not sure who's computer is louder, but he can play astrosludge on the electric better than I can on the acoustic.
No more 3 am band practices with Mike.
No more Drop-D Radio.
No more movie nights with Liz, Christyne and/or Meaghan
... at least, not until four montsh from now ...
The beer cap cookie jar will live on Forever where-ever I go
...It would just be sad no caps went in the lion ...
Now I can look forward to the summer.
No more wisdom teeth
Working, fishmungering as well as being the CIT director for Camp Presqu'ile
Driving like a birthday cake, maybe (but I doubt it)
Doin' shit with James
Geeking it up oldschool
Hitting up Owen Sound's local rock scene
Visiting my old high school for shits and giggles.
So, what it all boils down to is that, althought today is sad in it's own way because, let's face it, it's the end of an era... the B-3 era ... it's happy for the same reason. I get to go back to everything I once knew, and although the places will undoubtedly be thae same, the people will have eight months of experience to work on. Things are going to be different, and as much as I am loath to say goodbye to some people here, I'm exicted about seeing some people there. What happens next, who knows?
Whatever it is, I have the feeling it's going to be worth it.
The Beacon was taken down today - No longer does the Heiniken sign glow out to the world, offering a point of navagation for many people on res. 2pac was taken off the wall and respectfully rolled into the poster tube, waiting for the new living room we have next year. My room echoes. Everything is in a box or a bin except for that which I need to live. Even my CD's are packed away.
No more noise fueds with Ryan. I'm still not sure who's computer is louder, but he can play astrosludge on the electric better than I can on the acoustic.
No more 3 am band practices with Mike.
No more Drop-D Radio.
No more movie nights with Liz, Christyne and/or Meaghan
... at least, not until four montsh from now ...
The beer cap cookie jar will live on Forever where-ever I go
...It would just be sad no caps went in the lion ...
Now I can look forward to the summer.
No more wisdom teeth
Working, fishmungering as well as being the CIT director for Camp Presqu'ile
Driving like a birthday cake, maybe (but I doubt it)
Doin' shit with James
Geeking it up oldschool
Hitting up Owen Sound's local rock scene
Visiting my old high school for shits and giggles.
So, what it all boils down to is that, althought today is sad in it's own way because, let's face it, it's the end of an era... the B-3 era ... it's happy for the same reason. I get to go back to everything I once knew, and although the places will undoubtedly be thae same, the people will have eight months of experience to work on. Things are going to be different, and as much as I am loath to say goodbye to some people here, I'm exicted about seeing some people there. What happens next, who knows?
Whatever it is, I have the feeling it's going to be worth it.
At 11:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
For all of you who have wondered who this Pucknell character James has spoken so much of, well here I am. The ARC-puking, girl-dropping alcoholic that has entertained Jimbo for close to 8 months. After reading his post about the year, it mafe me think. WE HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED!!!! Next year will put this one to shame. So yeah, B3 is gone, and that sucks. But don't look back in anger. Look forward. We will put UTSC on the map. Oh yes, we will put UTSC on the map.
At 9:50 AM,
Leslie Puiras said…
James.. Your future plans are good n' all, but now that everyone will be back in OS, and I'm back from prisonnnniiiii mean bible school.. some crazy shit is bound to go down.
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