And Pork Chops were Giveth unto the Masses...
Last night we hosted a party for Paul's 19th birthday. I got pegged with sober host (Them's the rules), but it was okay, because after the never-ending weekend a week ago, I could use with a break from the booze. Instead, I hung out, drank water and still managed to have a good time hangin' with the home-brothers and sisters (I love NY ... a little inside joke for the people who know me in real life).
Before the end of it all, our house's level of cleanliness dropped far, Far, FAR below the regular bar. I mean, it's been messy before, but like this? Never! The beer smell was everywhere, the beer was literally pooled on the counter and the carpet was ground in with road salt, popcorn, and whatever else.
It was a mission to clean up, and although we are not technically done yet, we're getting there. Seeing as the rest of my house was drunk (and thusly hungover today) or gone, Ryan and I are the only two with the capacity to take on the cleaning on any significant level. Through the scrubbing, we eventually decided that we could not continue going on being hungry.
And so, Porkchops were giveth unto the masses.
I'd been holding them in reserve for something, I didn't know what at the time. Now I know. They were for breakfast/dinner tonight (My first meal of the day at 5:30 in the afternoon). Ryan contributed some rice and vegtables, And i made the porkchops in soup and made some solid beans to go with them.
It has to be one of the best meals I've eaten in my life - having something other than oatmeal, spaghetti, grilled cheese adn granola bars is definetly a plus. Furthermore, it tasted awesome, and beyond that, it was slightly more nutrious! Yes!
No more malnutrition for me! Score!
All I need now is a girlfriend and my life is complete.
Before the end of it all, our house's level of cleanliness dropped far, Far, FAR below the regular bar. I mean, it's been messy before, but like this? Never! The beer smell was everywhere, the beer was literally pooled on the counter and the carpet was ground in with road salt, popcorn, and whatever else.
It was a mission to clean up, and although we are not technically done yet, we're getting there. Seeing as the rest of my house was drunk (and thusly hungover today) or gone, Ryan and I are the only two with the capacity to take on the cleaning on any significant level. Through the scrubbing, we eventually decided that we could not continue going on being hungry.
And so, Porkchops were giveth unto the masses.
I'd been holding them in reserve for something, I didn't know what at the time. Now I know. They were for breakfast/dinner tonight (My first meal of the day at 5:30 in the afternoon). Ryan contributed some rice and vegtables, And i made the porkchops in soup and made some solid beans to go with them.
It has to be one of the best meals I've eaten in my life - having something other than oatmeal, spaghetti, grilled cheese adn granola bars is definetly a plus. Furthermore, it tasted awesome, and beyond that, it was slightly more nutrious! Yes!
No more malnutrition for me! Score!
All I need now is a girlfriend and my life is complete.
At 11:18 AM,
James said…
I hear what you're sayin'
But Morrisey said lots of stuff... If you followed everything he said, you'd probably end up contradicting yourself.
At 11:06 AM,
meg said…
god i fucking love morrissey.
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