Pirates are Cool.

Captured bits of life... Pirates at no extra cost. Arrrg. Also cool: Zombies, Aliens, Ninjas, Dinosaurs, Vikings, the Noble River Horse, the Sinister Octopi, Robots and Kittens.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Can't Complain

The good times, they're not killing me. Not yet, anyways. Last night, there were some good times, and I'm still around to say that they were good. There was a Pub on campus, and although that isn't usually my thing, for two bucks, who can complain? What else was I going to do, sit around and play video games? Maybe poker? I wasn't in the mood for either, really. So, what the hell, I figured I might as well go.
First off, I am the very last person they let in, which was pretty cool. But they had packed up the cash box after Paul got in, and i didn't have exact change - so they just let me in for free. Score! As it turns out, there were a few people there I knew, like Andy and that guy that's in all my English classes and Matt and stuff, so, good times began to be had.
At one point, I bought a four dollar drink, and then found five dollars on the floor! It was intense! It's like the world paid me to go have a good time... eventually it was just 'Romero' 'Erin' and 'Kelly' with whome I could hang out with... the fake names were all part of the stupid fun that was had (I was Rodriguise).

Ahhh.... Good times....

i think I might go find a party at an old friends house downtown tonight. If Transit doesn't kill me first.


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