Look out! It's got Mandibles!
This morning I was called over to K-3 for the dubious task of Beetle killing. A friend of mine was having troubles in dealing with said beetle herself, and thus I was lured in with the promise of a piece of pie in exchange for the services of my left shoe brandished as a weapon. Imagine my surprise when Meaghan provides me with a discription of the beetle and says that it is basically three inches long. Even accounting for exageration as a result of a fear of beetles, thats a pretty big beetle. I got a little weary of this mission, and looked cautiously around for the now missing giant bug. Finding nothing, I hung around and had a peice of pumpkin pie. When about half of that delicious wedge remained, I caught some movement out of the side of my eye. The beetle was cornered. Upon further inspection, it was not as large as I had been informed, but as I had been hired to goosh it, I did so. the question now remains, was the beetle I killed the one that we were looking for, or another entierly unrelated bug? Only time will tell.
At 12:50 AM,
Unknown said…
You're da man :P
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