Pirates are Cool.

Captured bits of life... Pirates at no extra cost. Arrrg. Also cool: Zombies, Aliens, Ninjas, Dinosaurs, Vikings, the Noble River Horse, the Sinister Octopi, Robots and Kittens.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Torn Up and Thrown Down

Drop D radio was freaking awesome tonight. At first, it was a little sad because we were half an house late because The Good Constable wasn't in his office, but was off protecting and serving somewhere on campus (At least I know for sure he wasn't at Tim Hortons - it was closed). Eventually we got the key and ran the distence to the radio station, and threw on The Killers.
From there, it took a while to get things going - but when they did, damn, Mike and I had too much fun making fun of each-other on air.
The funny part you don't see is when we sing along - Actually, you know, perhaps its better that you don't see that.
The hip hop dancing isn't bad either.


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