And here we are on the cusp of a new year! It's very cuspy, I guess. I like the word "cusp," its kinda funny.
New stuff happens in new years, usually. Like, a whole new semester, where I have some interesting classes, and professor with names like "Yeager" and "Knight." My Gospel's prof doesn't really look a lot like a supoerhero, but with a name like James Knight, he sure sound like one. Myabe his superpower is Jesus, or speed reading or something. His weakness is quiet, because he's partially deaf.
Beyond superhero profs, I've also got some of the usual suspects, including Professor Brown. Good times, good times.
In completely unrelated news, the radioshow is undergoing some serious reinvention. It's been in talks for ages.... basically, everything Mike and I ever wanted (or promised) to do with the radio show is going to happen. Because of our changing musical emphasis and out new organisational skills, we're changing the name of the show.
Drop-D Radio is dead.
The show will have a new name to go with it's new styles and new time slot. Speaking of new time slot - we're back to two full hours of fun, now on wednesday nights from Ten 'till Midnight. Exciting times! You can expect the usual hyjinks, but with a little more organisation and perhaps a few more guided discussions. And stuff.
Two hours will allow us to present musical essays on occasion. I belive tomorrow night's show can be called something like "2006: Musical year in review" with possible discussion topics including what was good, what was bad, and that question that crops up every couple of years: "is rock dead?"
Also, the show is going to finally get the internerd attention we've been promising it. I might even design a logo.
And that about covers today's exciting news...