It was about 2am when Mike came online, saying he was ready to play. We were going to lay down some fat beats and jam last night, but the night just got later and later. I guess, in the end, I wasn't all that tired so I decided that, indeed, we could jam a little.
Well, we worked on some stuff, a played a little bit of nothing and decided two things - 1. We need structure. We need to have actual songs, not just random jam sessions and 2. We need a proper name. As awesome as acid river may be, it just doesn't cut the mustard.
We spent hours looking for a name, and we explored some of the more interesting Strong Bad Emails while we were at it. Eventually, we just went back to playing (my sincerest apologies to the Korean guy next door - we weren't
that loud though). Mike and I built off a jam we had been playing a few hours eariler adn wrote a real and for true guitar peice - classical accoustin vs. electric. It's all mellow and stuff. Goodtimes funjob x 4.